Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm in!

I may not be sitting at the top of a grand mountain in ancient Japan like my inspiration, Miyamoto Musashi. My couch and this laptop will have to suffice. In fact, I wonder how access to online media might have impacted Miyamoto's work...

The mission of this site is two-fold:
1) Allows me to reflect on the five rings or interests in my world...helping me to focus and achieve personal and business goals. Many of those goals crossover and are sure to impact the organization of this site. Prepare for this thing to be in a constant state of flux!
2) Hopefully, my areas of knowledge or expertise (film, marketing, PR, Jiu-Jitsu, and sales) will benefit those of you that have somehow made it to this page.

Wish me luck as I reflect on years of battle and conflict. I aim to parse out my lessons of import and share...atleast those that are bloggable.

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